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New posts in async-ctp

Calling an async method from a non-async method

c# async-ctp

How to implement await without Async CTP

Async CTP and timeouts

c# .net f# timeout async-ctp

Cancel an async webrequest?

Are there any guidelines for writing .NET APIs using the new async/await features [closed]

Is there a way to use Task<T> as a waithandle for a future value T?

When the method return void, is the same that a task?

c# asynchronous async-ctp

Returning Void in Async method from WEB API Controller

How to properly run multiple async tasks in parallel?

Alternative for Task.Wait in UI thread

Dealing with a very large number of files

When to use TaskEx.Run vs. TaskEx.RunEx

Can async methods have expensive code before the first 'await'?

How to make Task awaitable

c# async-ctp async-await

C# async methods still hang UI

How to use async with Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0?

How does the new async/await feature in C# 5 integrate with the message loop?

Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await

Async CTP - Recommended approach for task scheduling

Dangling await and possible memory leaks in async programming