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New posts in astronomy

Sunrise / set calculations

python math astronomy

Determining lunar eclipse in skyfield

python astronomy skyfield

Compute shadow length using PyEphem

Linear shift between 2 sets of coordinates

Results for Observer() seemingly not accounting for elevation effects in PyEphem

python astronomy pyephem

Make a 2D histogram with HEALPix pixellization using healpy

Calculate "Solar Noon" using ephem, translating to local time

Objective-C Astronomy Library

objective-c astronomy

How do I compute equinox/solstice moments?

equinox astronomy

Calculations of the path of the Sun

java math methods astronomy

Local solar time function from UTC and longitude

python astronomy

Python coordinate transformation ECI to ECEF

Match set of x,y points to another set that is scaled, rotated, translated, and with missing elements

How to plot Gaia astrometry data to TESS images using Python?

Interactive Data Language, IDL: Does anybody care? [closed]

Produce a RA vs DEC equatorial coordinates plot with python

Calculating dawn and sunset times using PyEphem

python astronomy pyephem

Stacking astronomy images with Python

Objective-C Library for Sunrise and Sunset?

What are some algorithms that will allow me to simulate planetary physics?