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Determining lunar eclipse in skyfield

I am given a list of dates in UTC, all hours cast to 00:00.

I'd like to determine if a (lunar) eclipse occurred in a given day (ie past 24 hours)

Considering the python snippet

from sykfield.api import load
eph = load('de421.bsp')
def eclipticangle(t):

    moon, earth = eph['moon'], eph['earth']
    e = earth.at(t)
    x, y, _ = e.observe(moon).apparent().ecliptic_latlon()

    return x.degrees

I am assuming one is able to determine if an eclipse occurred within 24hrs of a time t by

  1. Checking that the first angle is close enough to 180 (easy)
  2. Checking if the second degree is close enough to 0 (not so essy?)

Now as far as the answer in the comment suggests it is not so trivial to solve the second problem simply by testing if the angle is close to 0.

Therefore, my question is

Can someone provide a function to determine if a lunar eclipse occurred on a given day t?

Edit. This question was edited to reflect the feedback from Brandon Rhodes left in the comments below.

like image 805
Jernej Avatar asked Nov 03 '20 07:11


People also ask

How do I locate the lunar eclipse?

With binoculars, you can easily see changes in the Moon's color as the Earth's shadow moves over it. Some astronomers suggest viewing the Moon with binoculars at the start and end of totality to see a turquoise or blue band on the Moon.

How do you know if its a solar or lunar eclipse?

Traditionally, eclipses are divided into two major types: solar and lunar. Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, leaving a moving region of shadow on Earth's surface. Lunar eclipses occur when Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon.

What is lunar eclipse in Vedic astrology?

According to the ancient predictive science of Vedic Astrology, a Lunar Eclipse is a highly critical inflexion juncture that occurs in our lives. It can bring or trigger major life-changing events. As per the Indian Standard Time (IST), the lunar eclipse will likely start at 7:57:52 AM and end at 11:25:07 AM.

What are 3 characteristics of a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse occurs on a full moon day, but not on every full moon day. A lunar eclipse occurs if and only if the sun , the moon and the earth are in the same plane and fall in one line. The maximum duration of a total lunar eclipse is 107 minutes.

1 Answers

I just went through section 11.2.3 of the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac and tried turning it into Skyfield Python code. Here is what I came up with:

import numpy as np

from skyfield.api import load
from skyfield.constants import ERAD
from skyfield.functions import angle_between, length_of
from skyfield.searchlib import find_maxima

eph = load('de421.bsp')
earth = eph['earth']
moon = eph['moon']
sun = eph['sun']

def f(t):
    e = earth.at(t).position.au
    s = sun.at(t).position.au
    m = moon.at(t).position.au
    return angle_between(s - e, m - e)

f.step_days = 5.0

ts = load.timescale()
start_time = ts.utc(2019, 1, 1)
end_time = ts.utc(2020, 1, 1)

t, y = find_maxima(start_time, end_time, f)

e = earth.at(t).position.m
m = moon.at(t).position.m
s = sun.at(t).position.m

solar_radius_m = 696340e3
moon_radius_m = 1.7371e6

pi_m = np.arcsin(ERAD / length_of(m - e))
pi_s = np.arcsin(ERAD / length_of(s - e))
s_s = np.arcsin(solar_radius_m / length_of(s - e))

pi_1 = 0.998340 * pi_m

sigma = angle_between(s - e, e - m)
s_m = np.arcsin(moon_radius_m / length_of(e - m))

penumbral = sigma < 1.02 * (pi_1 + pi_s + s_s) + s_m
partial = sigma < 1.02 * (pi_1 + pi_s - s_s) + s_m
total = sigma < 1.02 * (pi_1 + pi_s - s_s) - s_m

mask = penumbral | partial | total

t = t[mask]
penumbral = penumbral[mask]
partial = partial[mask]
total = total[mask]

print(0 + penumbral + partial + total)

It produces a vector of times at which lunar eclipses occurred, and then a rating of how total the eclipse is:

['2019-01-21 05:12:51 UTC', '2019-07-16 21:31:27 UTC']
[3 2]

Its eclipse times are within 3 seconds of the times given in the huge table of lunar ephemerides at NASA:


like image 55
Brandon Rhodes Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Brandon Rhodes