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New posts in assert

assert(3 / 2 == 1): Does this work?

c++ optimization assert

How to use `assertEqual()` [or equivalent] without much baggage?

Assertions in Snowflake

When a GString will change its toString representation

enabling assertions in ant

java ant junit assert assertions

How does the following "assert_disabled()" macro work?

c assert sizeof

A Lua iterator that fails silently?

lua iterator assert

What is the oposite of EXPECT_CALL?

Make java program exit if assertion fails

java assert

How do I specify the literal generator type in Python?

Assert is wrong, proven with cout

c++ assert

assert_equal says <0.15> expected but was <0.15>, but only if the method computes 0.15 in a certain way

Simple assert for ordered non re-entrant calling?

c++ assert correctness

Do you have any tips to effectively use Java Assert?

About assert enable

java eclipse assert

How to catch "TypeError" with assertRaises()

python unit-testing assert

Assert uniqueness of fields in list

c# list unit-testing assert

Assert that unsigned int a indeed positive doesn't work ?

Functional assertion in Scala

'Assert' statements in .NET production code

.net assert