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New posts in asp.net-web-api

RequestEntityTooLarge response from Web Api when trying to upload a file with HttpClient

Use WebAPI 2 without OWIN authentication middleware

CreateUserIdenityAsync returns "UserId not found" exception for custom IdentityUser

How to run IdentityServer and WebAPI in same project

How to work with DTOs in Controller of WebAPI?

How to update entire document except ID with mongodb c# driver

Install serilog and configure in an asp .net 4.7.1 webapi

HttpClient.GetJsonAsync Not found. (blazor server)

Best way to do async programming with Asp.Net

Application_End() WebApi


Upload files to Azure Blob storage through WebApi without accessing local filesystem

Request is always null in web api?

how to have Web Api send Json.net Serialized string object back to client Correctly?

How to use Castle Windsor's PerWebRequest lifestyle with OWIN

MVC Web Api difference between HttpPost and HttpPut

c# asp.net-web-api

Synchronously calling async method in WebAPI deadlocks even with ConfigureAwait(false)

Can I add a new scoped service within a custom middleware?

Using HttpClient, send an Authorization token with no schema

Multiple PUT methods in ASP.NET Web API

c# .net asp.net-web-api

Add IP address to HttpRequestMessage