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New posts in asp.net-web-api

EF6 The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed

My desktop application hangs on web API service call with async and await

How to use multiple GET action in a WebApi?

How to generate Asp.net User identity when testing WebApi controllers

Receiving null value in POST param

Redirect in a .NET API action filter

Embed user-specific data into an authenticode signed installer on download

How to receive stream and object through post request in Web API?

c# rest asp.net-web-api

Post Action with model class vs DTO

how to send an image and additional data in ASP.NET WebAPI with Postman?

Unable to resolve service for type 'AspNetCoreRateLimit.IProcessingStrategy' while attempting to activate 'AspNetCoreRateLimit.IpRateLimitMiddleware'

Trying to decrypt a FormsAuthentication ticket always unable to validate data

How to convert MVC empty project to Web API?

Multiple controllers in routing

routing asp.net-web-api

Ninject throws Activation Exception in a WebApi project with multiple assemblies

Build ASP.Net application with Web API and database first strategy

Is Mono capable of hosting ASP.NET MVC WebAPI in mod_mono yet?

WebAPI, oData and RavenDb - throws an error for $top and $skip

mvc 4 web api for multiple applications

Accessing User data in WebAPI from Context/Cookie