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New posts in asp.net-web-api

API security in Azure best practice

Unable to call WebAPI Controller through AJAX, when hosted with MVC

Owin Self-Hosted WebApi Timeout Settings

How to transfer images through REST API

How do you define DBContext properly in a Class Library Project?

Returning a 500 internal server error when code errors in asp.net 5 web api

How to get authorization code with OWIN, OAuth and Web API?

WebAPI instantiating objects even if they are null in JSON

Use of HTTP 204 vs 200 vs 404 to safely signal that a resource doesn't exist

Why is POST Response Data Not Received in Internet Explorer?

How to detect duplicate keys in Web Api Post request Json

How can I sort objects returned by EF according to a list of IDs?

User.Identity.GetUserId() method not working in a Web Api 2 Controller

How to use command pattern in a WinForms client application?

How to return a single DataRow object from Asp Web API?

How to return Custom HTTP Status code + message in IEnumerable<xxx.Models.xxx> function

AspNet Core application “The localhost page isn’t working” error

Unsupported Media Types when POST to web api

Property 'body' does not exist on type 'Request'

The type String cannot be constructed