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New posts in asp.net-web-api

BeginRouteForm doesn't work with API routes?

what's a good/proper way to check whether a Web API is available?

c# asp.net asp.net-web-api

UrlHelper doesn't use referrer host when generating URIs

Web API on Azure errors until App Pool is Recycled

Modifying response content returned from ASP.NET Web API using OData QueryableAttribute

ASP.NET WebAPI: Dynamic object and OData service

How to create async validation attribute in WEB API 2

MVC 5 Authentication and HttpClient No MediaTypeFormatter is available

Handling error from binding action parameters to route values of incorrect types

Flickr API: What are the "vision" tags?

tags asp.net-web-api flickr

ASP.NET WebApi - how do I post a collection to a WebApi method?

Uri ToString() method decoding the Uri Query

Is It Possible to Implement Onion Architecture and DI with WebAPI on OWIN?

Web Api User Identity returning null

Get JSON.NET in WebAPI to serialize exact type not subclass

How to debug Web API model binding

How do I setup Thinktecture Identity server v3 beta 1-2 with ASP.NET Identity?

dynamic web api odata metadata additional properties

WebApi - How to include relative paths for included App_Data XML files?

Server-side paging+filtering+sorting for ng-grid with WebAPI