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New posts in asp.net-optimization

ResolveBundleUrl not resolving all files?

A localized scriptbundle solution

ASP.NET MVC4 bundling CSS Some on CDN some local to server?

How do I path relative CSS paths correctly when using Visual Studio 2012 Bundling? [duplicate]

ASP.NET Optimization - Bundling

Ordering of Files within a bundle - What are the known libraries?

MVC4 bundling/minification with IE conditional comments

Adding the new ASP.NET Web Optimization framework to MVC4 projects after manually upgrading them

Index was outside the bounds of the array in @Scripts.Render

New ASP.NET Bundling Features - How can i programmatically refresh a certain bundle?

MVC4 Bundle minification doesn't work with javascript reserved words

MVC4 Beta Minification and Bundling: Ordering files and debugging in browser

Don't uglify certain file when using Microsoft Web Optimization Framework

Can you pre-cache ASP.NET Bundles?

MVC4 StyleBundle doesn't render the bundle in the correct order

Is there any way to have a file extension in a bundle name?

Where can I find the source for System.Web.Optimization? [closed]

Bundle file location in ASP.NET MVC

How to disable Javascript/CSS minification in ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta

How to resolve Antlr3 dependency hell