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New posts in asp.net-mvc-routing

Incorrect Route getting picked up and ActionLink is generating wrong hyperlink


MVC 6 Attribute Routing using the new "[controller]/[action]" Tokens and Areas

Search page MVC routing (hidden action, no slashes, like SO)

Custom ASP.NET MVC Route In Nested Folders


MVC: 404 route not working properly in production

ASP.NET MVC: Routing custom slugs without affecting performance

Route value with dashes

Different MVC4 action based on GET variable

Asp.net MVC Routing Issue 403.14

Enumerating ASP.NET MVC RouteTable route URLs

Routing legacy requests with and without querystring

Is there something special about a MVC controller called properties?

ASP.NET MVC Routing Root Level Views

How test that ASP.NET MVC route redirects to other site?

Can anyone recreate the following bug I'm experiencing in routes with 2 or more optional parameters, in .NET 4.0 / MVC3?

How to reuse Areas, Controllers, Views, Models, Routes in multiple apps or websites

Why did the order of Areas in RegisterAllAreas change with Visual Studio 2015?

How to make a custom route in ASP MVC

Handling MVC2 variables with hyphens in their name

Restful MVC Web Api Inheritance