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New posts in asp.net-mvc-routing

How to find the right route in a RouteCollectionRoute?

What are the goals and benefits of using areas?

ASP.NET MVC routes

MVC MapPageRoute and ActionLink

Using Html.ActionLink with RouteValues

VirtualPathProvider in MVC 5

Is there an equivalent to Ruby on Rails' respond_to format.xml, etc in ASP.Net MVC?

Should I use RouteParameter or UrlParameter for an Asp.NET web-api route?

Url.RouteUrl returns null

Make URL language-specific (via routes)

Multiple routes assigned to one method, how to determine which route was called?

ASP.NET MVC - Attribute Routing not finding area view

Getting error 404 not found with ASP.NET MVC Area routing

Redirect with ASP.NET MVC MapRoute

WebAPI route 404's when there is a trailing space in the URL

How do I access RouteTable.Routes.MapHttpRoute?

Issues with Attribute Routing and Localization

Equivalent of [Bind(Prefix = "principalId")] in MVC4 Web Api?

ASP.NET Web Api Routing (IIS vs Self Hosted)

How to route a request for a directory that exists on disk to ASP.NET MVC?