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Why ASP.NET Core convert Persian(or Arabic) text to Character reference (&#xhhhh;) in view

Accessing the IHostingEnvironment in static main of ASP.NET Core

c# asp.net-core-1.0

What does it mean for an entity type to be in "shadow state"?

'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure.IDbContextFactory`1[TContext]' violates the constraint of type parameter 'TContext'

Redirect in .NET Core OpenID Connect middleware?

Why can't my Core 1 library be seen in my ASP.NET Core 1.0 (MVC6) project?

Cross compile dotnet core app from Windows to Linux

Startup.cs returns wrong environment

Possible to pass a list of integer through web api or do I have to use a string param

ASP.NET Core 1.0 OAuth Server using Openiddict

Has anyone noticed that EF Core 1.0 2015.1 has made the queries very inefficient

ASP.NET Core 1.0 Mocking

ASP.NET Core Web Api automatic help pages

ASP .NET Core 1.0 RTM Localization not working

ASP.NET Core SQL Connection TImeout

How can I create a Serilog enricher that reads from HttpContext.TraceIdentifier?

Send email using Html template with MailKit in .net core application

Type.GetInterfaces() workaround for .NET Standard 1.x