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Possible to pass a list of integer through web api or do I have to use a string param

I have a scenario where I need to send multiple ProductIds in a GET Request to my Web API.

In my asp.net web api controller is there a way that I can make the param of my Action method be of type List<int> productIds. I am assuming no, I have to pass them like this ?ProductIds=1,2,3 and then accept it as string productIds.

Please let me know if there is a better way.

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Blake Rivell Avatar asked Jul 07 '16 17:07

Blake Rivell

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1 Answers

You can indicate that you are going to be accepting an int[] as your parameter and Web API should handle mapping the comma-delimited string to an array as expected. You may need to include the [FromUri] attribute to let Web API know that you are expecting these values from the querystring :

public IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts([FromUri] int[] ProductIds)
      // Your code here.

You could also indicate that multiple values are mapped to the same querystring parameter via :

like image 106
Rion Williams Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Rion Williams