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How to use Arel::Nodes::TableAlias in an initial where statement

Deconstructing Rails .joins & .where methods

Arel: How to cleanly join multiple conditions with OR?

ActiveRecord: can't use `pluck` after `where` clause with eager-loaded associations

ARel mimic includes with find_by_sql

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using scope on an association

Ransack: How to use existing scope?

How to join a table and count records in Rails 3?

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Join the same table twice with conditions

Arel, Joins and Rails Queries

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Rails 4 - how to give alias names to includes() and joins() in active record querying

How do I make an ActiveRecord scope that doesn't affect the query in Rails 3 using Arel (presumably)?

How to do "where exists" in Arel

How to find the record with the maximum price?

Ruby / Rails - Can I use a joined table's scope(or class method) as part of my WHERE clause?

Nested queries in Arel

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Rails `where` for time less than queries

How to find records that have duplicate data using Active Record

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How can you do a conditional where clause using AREL

Rails/Arel: Selecting all records as an ActiveRecord::Relation