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Rails order results with multiple joins to same table

ruby-on-rails arel

How would you do this Rails sub-query using Squeel?

Rails 3 has_many :through + join table conditions / scoping

How to join on subqueries using ARel?

ActiveRecord query with alias'd table names

Rails 3: Arel for NOT EXISTS?

Rails ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::Error: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table

Grouping ands and ors in AREL

sql ruby arel

arel, how to join

Why does Relation.size sometimes return a Hash in Rails 4

Using `CONCAT` w/ Arel in Rails 4

Is there a tutorial on how to use AREL or Reference document?


How to do joins on subqueries in AREL within Rails

Rails Arel selecting distinct columns

Use Arel for a nested set & join query and convert to ActiveRecord::Relation

How do I use functions like CONCAT(), etc. in ARel?

ruby activerecord arel

Is there a way to invert an ActiveRecord::Relation query?

How to fetch distinct values with arel/relational algebra

Rails 3, RSpec 2.5: Using should_receive or stub_chain with named scopes