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How to enter password for prompt windows using applescript

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Getting artwork from current track in Applescript

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"some script" is not allowed assistive access error on Mavericks


How to suppress / automatically dismiss error dialog in AppleScript

Remove preceding and trailing white spaces in string: AppleScript


Change the notification icon in an applescript

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Optional parameters in AppleScript handlers

Action buttons applescript functions

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AppleScript move mouse only

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Disable/Cancel Sleep Command on MacOSX

How do you programmatically press a toolbar button with AppleScript?

How can I programmatically add build files to Xcode4?

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get safari and chrome opened tabs on mac with Appcelerator

AppleScript to Javascript

Programmatically determine when MacVim finishes editing a file

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How to run JavaScript/AppleScript from cocoa app?

How can I check if the window of a process exists in applescript?


Adding a progress bar to a dialog for a "do shell script" in AppleScript

Is there an API or software to get accurate strength of a WiFi signals on Mac?

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Programmatically tampering with Mac OSX MenuBar settings

macos scripting applescript