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New posts in app-store

App Store keywords : using "trademark" keywords [closed]

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What is the bundle seed id for an iOS app?

Archive validation failed with errors

STATUS_CODE_ERROR when upgrade Xcode from App Store [closed]

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Could not submit app to iTunesConnect review

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Transfer App option not available iTunes Connect

Sending TestFlight invitation mail to External users in different Language

My app had been refused because of non-public APIs

Privacy Policy for Apps that do not collect datas

Solving UIWebView deprecation warning by App Store on React Native Expo?

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app store - where to download the report of app downloads? [closed]

Referral link for app purchase [closed]

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iOS In App Purchase - "Invalid Product ID" in release, NOT development version

How can I build my own Android app store server? [closed]

Does Mac App Store accept application written in Python/Java/Ruby?

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Xcode crashes when exporting or submitting to App Store

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Issue at AppStore iOS app new version submission

React Native, AppStore requests NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription value

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