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New posts in app-store

When a developer changes an app name, does the old one become available?

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How to get Apple App IDs from given bundle ID?

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IOS app update check within application [closed]

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Xcode: Release app update for iPhone only? [duplicate]

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Old version of my App Store app is installed on users' iOS devices

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What encryption is used with RMStore and how to upload an App using it to the App Store correctly?

-productRequest:didReceiveResponse returns empty products array in real store, works in sandbox

iOS 8 and App Previews

Xcode unsupported architecture armv7k

In App Purchase functionality is not present in your binary

Is it possible to create, package and successfully submit HTML5 apps to the app store? [closed]

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Can I submit the same app to the App Store under multiple, different accounts/identities? [closed]

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Distributing a pref pane which includes a background app on the Mac App Store

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AppStore language description and "Localization native development region"

Keep in-app purchases across two apps?

Changing app publisher in Apple App Store [closed]

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Is it possible to get the ranking position of any app with iTunes App store API?

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"Legality" of using web resources and appcache inside UIWebView/Phonegap

Xcode 4.4 , IOS 5.1 simulator. Twitter framework issue

iOS App deployment without AppStore

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