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Signed APK file not working while debug APK works

Xamarin Android 10 Install APK - No Activity found to handle Intent

How to ship library for Android

How do you install an APK file it build from corona sdk in the Android emulator?

lua apk coronasdk

Listen for updates ans install from server

Android: getting an APKs minSdkVersion from Android code [duplicate]

How to include versioned *.so file into apk using Gradle?

How does an APK file include DLL files? Can Android run DLL files?

Google play android market publish and save buttons have no effect

google-play apk

where .apk file is placed in phone after installation

android location apk

What makes the minified Hello World Android APK so large - 800KB?

android gradle apk

What is difference between signature and certificate in apk file?

Is library file present in .apk file?

android apk

Android signed APK generation : Proguard exception for referenced class / method not found

Parse error when programmatically installing an APK

android apk auto-update

Android: how to get the name of apk file programmatically?

android file apk

Android - How to make a non-debug .apk file?

android apk

Not getting updated apk file, project running on android studio

android apk android-studio

False "Generate Signed APK - APK(s) generated successfully" message pop-up every time I do a build (after generating a signed apk once)

Install APK programmatically on android