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what is swagger exactly ? And why doesn't the online editor run requests?

Apiary: Is there a way to define options for parameters?

How to access raw apiblueprint markdown?

How to document POST parameters with Apiary?

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Does Apiary.io and/or API Blueprint support api versioning?

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How can I define array of enums in API blueprint

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How to depict sessions in api blueprint format?

Use pattern in API Blueprint / MSON

How to reuse objects in schema of API BluePrint?

How can I add images/diagrams to API Blueprint?

How to specify an optional element for a json request object

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Specify description for every response we have in Apiary.io

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Apiary: Export API as JSON, to generate client code

Can I provide multiple example responses?


how to format a POST request on apiary.io?

apiary.io apiblueprint

How To Show Nested Attribute Definition In Apiary.io

Response description and POST parameters in API Blueprint
