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Does cache() in spark change the state of the RDD or create a new one?

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Spark: Sort an RDD by multiple values in a tuple / columns

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Cannot call methods on a stopped SparkContext

How can I make (Spark1.6) saveAsTextFile to append existing file?

Deep copy a filtered PySpark dataframe from a Hive query

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Spark Scala: User defined aggregate function that calculates median

Spark job with large text file in gzip format

How to write a condition based on multiple values for a DataFrame in Spark

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integrating scikit-learn with pyspark

PySpark: calculate mean, standard deviation and those values around the mean in one step

Create a dataframe from a list in pyspark.sql

How to run a luigi task with spark-submit and pyspark

Exception while accessing KafkaOffset from RDD

How to save/insert each DStream into a permanent table

percentage count per group and pivot with pyspark

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.net.UnknownHostException: tmp

scala apache-spark sbt

Spark cores & tasks concurrency

Get same value for precision, recall and F score in Apache Spark Logistic regression algorithm

Sum the Distance in Apache-Spark dataframes

what to specify as spark master when running on amazon emr

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