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New posts in apache-kafka

Elasticsearch vs Kafka: Putting intelligence in producers

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid lambda deserialization

how producers find kafka reader


How to integrate Django with Kafka using Python?

python django apache-kafka

Kafka : Running Confluent in a Windows environment

Kafka Stream with Avro in JAVA , schema.registry.url" which has no default value

How does Zookeeper/Kafka retain offset for a consumer?

How to create KSQL Stream with large number of JSON fields from topic in kafka?

Accessing Local Kafka from within Services deployed in Local Docker For Mac (incl. Kubernetes extension)

Apache Kafka Connect With Springboot

Kafka Consumer Assignment returns Empty Set

Kafka cluster with single broker


Configuring listener with "localhost" causes a failure to retrieve meta data about the broker [duplicate]

Not able to create kafka topic using docker-compose

Kafka-topics --list using ssl


How to create a new consumer group in kafka

kafka s3 sink connector crashed when It gets NULL data

Apache Kafka Java Classes?

java scala apache-kafka

Why can't Kafka Producer connect to zookeeper to fetch broker metadata instead of connecting to brokers

unable to set 'max.poll.records' under kafka consumer, where cons.poll still returns all records under partition