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New posts in apache-kafka

Kafka: what is the point of using "acknowledgment.nack" if I can simply "not acknowledgment.acknowledge"

How to remove a Kafka consumer group from a specific topic?

Can't start Kafka Connect with MongoDb plugin with Apache Kafka

Is event sourcing an enhanced pattern of choreography-based SAGA pattern?

Interactive admin shell for Apache Kafka


Kafka - Consumer group creation with specific offset?

Direct Kafka Stream with PySpark (Apache Spark 1.6)

kafka fails to start with fatal exception


WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 1 : {MY_TOPIC?=INVALID_TOPIC_EXCEPTION} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)

Kafka topic partition and Spark executor mapping

get topic from kafka message in spark

Error reading field 'topics': java.nio.BufferUnderflowException in Kafka

Filebeat 5.0 output to Kafka multiple topics

apache-kafka filebeat

Apache Kafka create topic from code [duplicate]

java apache-kafka

Running Kafka cluster in Docker containers?


Why using apache kafka in real-time processing

Kafka Stream: output to a topic first or persist directly?

kafka-console-consumer custom deserializer

Kafka Connect Alerting Options?

Kafka inaccessible once inside Kubernetes/Minikube