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New posts in apache-commons-httpclient

HttpClient ignoring encoding, on a single computer

Escaping ampersands in URLs for HttpClient requests

Timeout between request retries Apache HttpClient

HttpClient follow redirect [duplicate]

How to upgrade Apache HttpClient Versions on Android

HTTPClient PostMethod for byte[]

HttpClient 4.2, Basic Authentication, and AuthScope

How can I configure HTTPClient to authenticate against a SOCKS proxy?

Kerberos connection using HTTP Client

How does HttpAsyncClient 4 work?

HttpClient = INVALID URI - Escaped absolute path not valid

How to use DefaultHttpClient in Android? [closed]

how to handle / read the response with "Transfer-Encoding:chunked"?

How can I POST using Java and include parameters and a raw request body?

uploading files to a dataset in CKAN / datahub.io through a Java client

Is it possible to download files like PDF with HttpClient?

Angular 6 set withCredentials to true with every HttpClient call

How do I pass the client certificate with HTTP client?

Jax-WS Axis2 Proxy over SSL error using ProxySelector