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New posts in apache-commons-httpclient

org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity is deprecated in Android 6 (Marshmallow)

How to set proxy host on HttpClient request in Java

Why IntelliJ IDEA doesn't see HttpClients?

Problems using the EWS Java API on Android

How to stream response body with apache HttpClient

How do I get the cookies from Apache HttpClient 4.x?

Converting from HttpClient 3 to 4

Cannot process url with vertical/pipe bar in Java/Apache HttpClient

How can I reuse a HttpClient connection efficiently?

How can I override the "Host" header in the request when using Apache commons HttpClient

Apache HttpClient Digest authentication

How to make HttpClient use Kerberos?

Ignore self-signed certificates in Apache HTTPClient 4.5

How can I disable default request headers from apache httpclient 4?

What's the recommended way to get the HTTP response as a String when using Apache's HTTP Client? [duplicate]

DefaultHttpClient to AndroidHttpClient

HttpClient stuck without any exception

I need an alternative option to HttpClient in Android to send data to PHP as it is no longer supported

Why Warning:Unable to find optional library: org.apache.http.legacy occurs?

Apache HttpClient 4.1 - Proxy Settings