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Ansible: iterate over a list of dictionaries - loop vs. with_items

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How to loop over array containing template variables with ansible?

can not source ~/.bashrc file with ansible

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Ansible group vars priority

Is Ansible Turing Complete?

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How to fallback to a default value when ansible lookup fails?

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Get the pid of a running playbook for use within the playbook

How to set Pycharm with Ansible plugin to do code completion for variables?

This task (name) has extra params, which is only allowed


Create MySQL Tables with Ansible

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How to make ansible connect to windows host behind linux jump server

Using the first host in group


Ansible dnf module enable Fedora Copr repository

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Running a playbook on multiple host groups one at a time

how to choose a python interpreter for Ansible playbook?

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Ansible : [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using bare variables is deprecated [duplicate]


How to update package cache when using module package from ansible

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Rename roles/rolename/tasks/main.yml to rolename.yml in Ansible


Ansible: How to declare global variable within playbook?

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How can I persist an ansible variable across ansible roles?
