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How to escape backslash and double quote in Ansible (script module)


vagrant ansible The following settings don't exist: inventory_file

Best way to get the IP address of the Ansible control machine

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Ansible and Git Permission denied (publickey) at Git Clone

Double conditional - delete all folders older than 3 days but keep a minimum of 10


Ansible 2.4 hostfile warning


How to use a dictionary of registered ansible variables in vars?

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File lookup() relative to playbook


Django compress error: Invalid input of type: 'CacheKey'

ansible regex_search with variable

Ansible EC2 Dynamic inventory minimum IAM policies

Alarm action definition in ec2_metric_alarm ansible module

Pass integer variable to task without losing the integer type


Ansible-vault errors with "Odd-length string"


how to select regex matches in jinja2?

Ansible: Accumulate output across multiple hosts on task run


Ansible - Default/Explicit Tags

Post Json to API via Ansible

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How to define hash (dict) in ansible inventory file?

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How to get the SHA of the checked out code with ansible git module?