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New posts in django-compressor

Make Django compress with {% static %}

Whitenoise and django-compressor cause 404 for compressed files

Django Compressor with S3 URL Heroku

django-compressor compiles SCSS files in STATIC_ROOT/app instead of app/static

Offline compression (django_compressor app) error after django upgrade

django django-compressor

Django Compressor to work with TypeScript

Django compressor using gzip to serve javascript

OfflineGenerationError - Key not in Manifest Json

django django-compressor

django-compressor: Using lessc in DEBUG mode

How to use django-compressor with apache?

Django and compass with multiple apps

Django-Compressor cannot find files when it's actually there

Django-compressor / django-storages links being wrongly cached; expiring

Does django-compressor work with template inheritance?