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Get first "N" elements of a list in Jinja2 template in Ansible

Ansible playbook handlers not starting the service through notify statement


How to escape the '#' comment character within Ansible lineinfile module?

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Append contents of a source file to a destination file

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ansible: how to restart auditd service on centos 7 get error about dependency

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Undefined variable when running Ansible play

Run ansible tasks based on machine names in a group


Set host name for Vagrant VM in Ansible

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ansible reboot fails

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Ansible: generate variables in loops

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Vagrant: multiple playbooks for ansible provisioner

failed to join domain with automated powershell script -- "unable to update password"

Arbitrary host name resolution in Ansible

Ansible - grab a key from a dictionary (but not in a loop)

Multiple status_code in Ansible uri module

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How to loop in Ansible $var number of times?

Override Ansible playbook `serial` from command line


include_tasks does not work with become after upgrade to ansible 2.8


How do you provide domain credentials to ansible's mount module?

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Run 'docker volume create' with Ansible?

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