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Ansible - grab a key from a dictionary (but not in a loop)

Another question regarding dictionaries in Ansible!

For convenience, I have certain values for mysql databases held in dictionaries, which works fine to loop over using with_dict to create the DBs and DB users.

    user: db1user
    pass: "jdhfksjdf"
    accessible_from: localhost
    user: db2user
    pass: "npoaivrpon"
    accessible_from: localhost


- name: Configure mysql users
  mysql_user: name={{ item.value.user }} password={{ item.value.pass }} host={{ item.value.accessible_from }} priv={{ item.key }}.*:ALL  state=present
  with_dict: "{{ mysql_dbs }}"

However, I would like to use the key from one of the dictionaries in another task, but I don't want to loop over the dictionaries, I would only like to use one at a time. How would I grab the key that describes the dictionary (sorry, not sure about terminology)?

problem task:

- name: Add the db1 schema
  shell: mysql {{ item }} < /path/to/db1.sql 
  with_items: '{{ mysql_dbs[db1] }}'

Error in ansible run:

fatal: [myhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "'item' is undefined"}

I'm willing to believe with_items isn't the best strategy here, but does anyone have any ideas what is the right one?

Thanks in advance, been stuck on this for a while now...

like image 744
ticktockhouse Avatar asked Jul 28 '16 22:07


People also ask

What method is used to get only the keys of the dictionary?

Python keys() method is used to fetch all the keys from the dictionary. It returns a list of keys and an empty list if the dictionary is empty. This method does not take any parameter. Syntax of the method is given below.

What is the difference between keys () and items () in dictionary?

The methods dict. keys() and dict. values() return lists of the keys or values explicitly. There's also an items() which returns a list of (key, value) tuples, which is the most efficient way to examine all the key value data in the dictionary.

Can the key of a dictionary be an object?

A dictionary or a list cannot be a key. Values, on the other hand, can literally be anything and they can be used more than once.

1 Answers

Given a nested dictionary...

    user: db1user
    pass: "jdhfksjdf"
    accessible_from: localhost
    user: db2user
    pass: "npoaivrpon"
    accessible_from: localhost

You can either use dotted notation:

- debug:
    var: mysql_dbs.db1

Or you can use a more Python-esque syntax:

- debug:
    var: mysql_dbs['db1']

It looks like you tried to use an unholy hybrid:


In this case, you are trying to dereference a variable named db1, which presumably doesn't exist and would lead to a "variable is undefined" sort of error.


Your question is unclear because in your example you have...

with_items: '{{ mysql_dbs[db1] }}'

...which looks like you are trying to do exactly what I have described here. If what you actually want to do is iterate over the keys of the mysql_dbs dictionary, remember that it is simply a Python dictionary and you have available all the standard dictionary methods, so:

- debug:
    msg: "key: {{ item }}"
  with_items: "{{ mysql_dbs.keys() }}"

The output of which would be:

TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=db1) => {
    "item": "db1", 
    "msg": "key: db1"
ok: [localhost] => (item=db2) => {
    "item": "db2", 
    "msg": "key: db2"
like image 103
larsks Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11
