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How to make this ansible chkconfig task idempotent ?

Using 'creates' arg in Ansible shell module

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How to evaluate a when condition for Ansible task

pam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed, auth could not identify password for [username]

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Ansible to check diskspace for mounts mentioned as variable


Ansible: Global template folder?

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Ansible - find and set permissions, including sticky bit

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Ansible aws_ec2 inventory plugin issue

Ansible how to ignore unreachable hosts before ansible 2.7.x

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Ansible copy files with wildcard?

How can I have ansible execute a task only when my database is created?


How to strip newline from shell command's standard output run via ansible

Modify list items in Ansible / Jinja2

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Multistage deployment with ansible

How to downgrade and install ansible 1.9.4 on a mac

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Update bashrc with virtualenv info using Ansible

Ansible Enable repo on CENTOS 7


How do I make decision based on arch in Ansible playbooks?


Best way to check for installed yum package/rpm version in Ansible and use it


Ansible : Git module clone of repository while re-run is throwing exception

ansible ansible-playbook