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New posts in annotations

Use Enum type as a value parameter for @RolesAllowed-Annotation

Java Getters and Setters

What's the difference between the name argument in @Entity and @Table when using JPA?

What do Java annotation ElementType constants mean?

java annotations

BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException due to autowired fields

How to annotate a type that's a class object (instead of a class instance)?

What is the use of @Order annotation in Spring?

@WebServlet annotation with Tomcat 7

How to use @inherited annotation in Java?

When to use @RunWith and when @ExtendWith

Telling IntelliJ IDEA which methods not to identify as unused

java custom annotation: make an attribute optional

Spring MVC: difference between <context:component-scan> and <annotation-driven /> tags? [duplicate]

Annotations from javax.validation.constraints not working

Inject and Resource and Autowired annotations

How to get annotations of a member variable?

What does the length attribute do when set on the @Column JPA annontation?

java hibernate jpa annotations

How to create an instance of an annotation

java reflection annotations

JPA Criteria Tutorial [closed]

java jpa annotations jpa-2.0

Which @NonNull Java annotation to use [duplicate]