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New posts in annotations

How do I map a nested collection, Map<Key,List<Values>>, with hibernate JPA annotations?

@XmlElement(required=true) for @WebParam does not work

Do you use Java annotations? [duplicate]

java annotations java-5

How can I use generated value within composite keys?

Can I use Java annotations to define compile time checks?

Why the RetentionPolicy for @deprecated is RUNTIME?

java annotations

Performance of calling Method/Field.getAnnotation(Class) several times vs. Pre-caching this data in a Map

Getting the qualified class name of generic type with Java 6 annotation processor

Spring autowire and prototype scope

Use an assert statement in the @Before method of a JUnit test?

How to specify that a combination of columns should be a unique constraint using annotations?

Nested transaction on Spring

spring not enforcing method security annotations

Syntax error, annotations are only available if source level is 5.0 - AspectJ in Maven

java annotations aspectj

spring combine two validation annotations in one

Has the notion of 'semidet' in Prolog been settled?

How can I reload properties file in Spring 4 using annotations?

@VisibleForTesting does not work as expected

How do annotations prevent mutations of an array parameter?

Can Java annotations be unit tested?

java tdd annotations bdd