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New posts in annotations

Unpacking Python's Type Annotations

When and where do you put type annotations in Clojure code?

clojure annotations types

Overriding line number in generated Java source

How do you implement @BeforeClass semantics in a JUnit 4 test written in scala?

scala annotations junit4

Hibernate validation annotation - validate that at least one field is not null

Getting java.lang.NullPointerException when calling Method.invoke

annotation based factory methods

java spring annotations

Annotations vs XML, advantages and disadvantages [duplicate]

java annotations

Bad service configuration file, or exception thrown while constructing Processor object

java maven annotations

What are some good java interview questions and answers regarding generics and annotations? [closed]

java generics annotations

Are java annotations with typed class parameter possible?

java annotations

Maven Install: "Annotations are not supported in -source 1.3"

maven junit annotations

parameter JAXBElement String

java jaxb annotations

Troubleshooting "[Syntax Error] Expected PlainValue, got ')'"

annotations doctrine-orm

Annotation Processors generated resources not packaged to APK

Java annotation processing with source code manipulation

@TestPropertySource annotation alternative on a method level

The equivalent of <generator class="native"></generator> using MySQL and Hibernate3 annotations

mysql hibernate annotations

APT (Annotation Processing Tool)

java annotations apt

How annotate a function that takes another function as parameter?