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New posts in annotations

Java - Register all classes annotated with @MyAnnotation

How to use Java EE's @Startup correctly?

One to many hibernate join if column names are different

Difference between @ActionMapping,@RequestMapping,@Rendermapping

How to list all fields with a custom annotation using Scala's reflection at runtime?

Get parameter value if parameter annotation exists

Java EE 6 and Singletons

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'category' available as request attribute

Spring bean not autowiring with @Component annotation

Make method actually inline

scala annotations inline

How to reuse fieldlength in form, validation and ddl?

@Cacheable breaks DependencyInjection

How to handle join query in Hibernate and Spring with annotations?

The attribute value is undefined for the annotation type Produces for "MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON"

java rest jpa annotations jax-rs

How to access package level annotations in package-info.java runtime from a jar?

java annotations

Null safety in legacy Java libraries used in Kotlin projects

iOS 11.2 MapKit not clustering annotation

creating unit tests (semi-)automatically?

MKMapView crashing with EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Passing dynamic parameters to an annotation?

java annotations