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New posts in angularjs-service

Requesting Example for angular.js $http (or $resource) POST and transformRequest as a service

Firebase's AngularFire in an AngularJS service

AngularJS : returning data from service to controller

angularjs service is not a function

Angular resource with response type text/plain always makes an array of strings

Share async data between controllers without making multiple requests

AngularJS Bind service array variable to controller scope

AngularJS: Performing $http request inside custom service and returning data

AngularJS : Directive not able to access isolate scope objects

AngularJS [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider

AngularJS update Service values when connected or disconnected to firebase

Firebase data normalized. How should I fetch a collection based on this structure?

AngularJS and Typescript - Injecting Services

AngularJS : passing params from controller to service

Angular - TypeError: XX is not a function

Unknown provider CookieStore

How to make controller wait for promise to resolve from angular service

AngularJS - How do I avoid using $timeout to wait for an element to be created?

Angular Resource - how to check if a resource instance has any unsaved changes?

angularjs $http.get to get json not working in the service layer