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New posts in angularjs-scope

Directive for custom fields in form [scope is not updating]

Best (idiomatic) way to refresh data from a service in AngularJS

Items disappear when saved

Working with remove clicked element and scoping in angularjs

Angular directive - update parent scope when another directive as also isolated scope

Communication between nested directives

Multiple ng-init scope issues

Angular $parent and $parent.$parent are the same controller when using ng-repeat

Displaying files list using AngularJS and input[type=file]

AngularJS Material using $mdDialog in a directive linking function

chained select within ng-repeat

Why do Angular (1.5) components always have an isolated scope?

angularjs angularjs-scope

Input variable not taking value from @Input property at template. Angular 5

How do you use dynamic ng-show values inside a directive template?

template recursion limitation (digest loop) in angularjs

$watchGroup vs $watchCollection?

How do I test $scope.$on in AngularJS

Angularjs [$rootScope:inprog] inprogress error

Controller Required By Directive Can't Be Found

How to iterate through angular $scope variables with a loop