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angularjs maintain the scope variable across routes

$routeProvider / $locationProvider not a function in AngularJS Routing

Do angular views work when a site is served from the local file system?

AngularJS $routeProvider does not have reload method

Undefined is not a function error when using factory method in angularJS

Force reload route/state on link click

How to do $state.go() with params?

Simple Angular $routeProvider resolve test. What is wrong with this code?

Dynamic Routing in AngularJS - Can I retrieve data from server before setting up $routeProvider?

$location.path doesn't change in a factory with AngularJS

How to structure AngularJS and PaperJS project

Blank page using multiple views with UI-Router

Back button with nested states in Angular Router

locationChangeStart and preventing route change

How to setup AngularJS $locationProvider HTML5 mode for non-root base urls?

AngularJS show dialog from routeProvider

Ways of loading data into controller via service in AngularJS

AngularJS (Restangular): Making a promise block? Need to use it for validating a token

Which function is called each time url changes in AngularJS?