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New posts in angularjs-orderby

contidional orderBy only on init AngularJS

Why is angular orderBy custom comparator not working?

OrderBy and progressive-loading AngularJS

AngularJS: How to freeze orderBy in ng-repeat during edit mode

AngularJS: OrderBy Descending (null entries)

Using orderBy on ng-repeat with a multidimensional array

random orderBy in AngularJS 1.2 returns 'infdig' errors

ng-repeat on array of arrays, orderBy subarray index

AngularJS ng-repeat orderBy orders numbers incorrectly

AngularJS orderby doesn't work when orderby-property is edited

Why are the advantages or filter and orderBy?

ng-repeat orderBy keeping fixed top value

Angular orderBy object possible?

angularjs ngRepeat orderBy when property key has spaces

Angularjs - using orderby filter in the controller's scope

Error 'orderBy' when updating to Angular 1.5.3

How to orderBy a array of objects in descending order in angularjs?

dates not properly sorted in Angular.js

AngularJS Paging orderBy only affects displayed page