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New posts in angularjs-ng-repeat

Angular filter in ng-repeat with deep object

ngRepeat Animation in angular 1.4

ng-repeat code getting commented out when viewed from browser

Angular JS, filter table with a select box

Angularjs dynamic directive inside ngrepeat

ngRepeat:dupes - duplicates in repeater with nested ngrepeat and empty strings

Getting values of multiple select inside one ng-repeat

AngularJS - Setting a variable on scope from directive

Dynamic orderBy in AngularJS

AngularJS ng-repeat filtering with an OR-statement

Handling duplicate elements in an ng-repeat

Angularjs pass multiple arguments to directive ng-repeat

Angular JS: ng-repeat with dynamic ng-model

How to iterate through JavaScript Maps using ng-repeat in angularjs?

AngularJS ng-repeat orderBy orders numbers incorrectly

2D array $Index in AngularJS

Ng-model's attribute in a ng-repeat input checkbox gets always literal or give error

Group ng-repeat items

Angularjs ng-repeat doesn't update when the model changes

AngularJS set initial active class