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New posts in angularjs-ng-repeat

ng-repeat splice showing double

How to show model and view differently in AngularJS

Setting ng-controller dynamically from a variable value

Problems with `track by $index` with Angular UI Carousel

{{$index}} of ng-repeat computed after linker function of angular directive. $compile it?

AngularJS: $resource custom methods not being called

AngularJS multiple selection model data binding

AngularJS: ngTransclude and access scope of ngRepeat

Repeating over a transclusion in Angular - best practice to access current item?

dir-pagination directive angularjs : is there any way I can get all the records of current page in pagination?

Angular.js ng-repeat callback

Angular ng-repeat filter with predicate function not works as expected

Giving unique id to each item in `ng-repeat` for DOM manipulations

editable with ngrepeat: automatically editing the latest added item

ng tags input not allowing same text twice to be entered in the text box

Displaying files list using AngularJS and input[type=file]

ng-repeat filtering data by date range

Progressive loading in ng-repeat for images, angular js

How to show a message when filter returns nothing in ng-repeat - AngularJS

Angular ng-repeat causes flickering