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New posts in angularjs-components

How do you unit test a binding with a different name in an Angular 1.5 component?

Pass bindings to TemplateUrl in Angular's component

Dependency injection in Angular Components like directives

how to take screenshot or screen video in angular 5

How do I implement the C in CRUD with AngularJS, components, and ngResource?

How to inject component router in Angular 1.5?

Angular 1.5 : Access parent component without knowing the name of the parent

Command a specific child component from parent in AngularJS

AngularJS migration to using imports/exports

AngularJS 1.5.x $onChanges Not Working with One-Way Binding Changes

Angular2 dynamically loading a template

Multi-Level Component Callbacks in Angular 1.5

When using $compile on component, why is the scope passed through $parent?

How to test changes on Component Bindings by parent element?

D3.js 4 with AngularJS 1.5 ( Components or Directives ? )

template: unresolved variable or type $ctrl

Is there a way to add a class to the component root element?

Pitfalls of the New AngularJS ng-ref Directive

How to access ngModelController in Angular1.5 components?
