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New posts in angularjs-components

$translate.instant does not translate values in AngularJS component when component starts

How to handle $ctrl. in AngularJS?

Angular 1.5 Component Two Way Binding Not Working

Use resolve with angularjs component

What is a component in AngularJS?

When to use the AngularJS `$onInit` Life-Cycle Hook

Angular 1.5 component attribute presence

Angular 1.5 unit test controller that requires parent component's controller

angularjs components getting a form inside template

More than one template in same component in AngularJS 1.5

Angular 1.5 component dependency injection

angularjs: broadcast from directive to controller

What is the best way to pass functions between inner components in AngularJS 1.5?

Using expression `("&")` binding to pass data from AngularJS component to parent scope

Pass object to component

Angular 1.5 Component Bindings: Check if Callback is Present

Angular 1.5 components with ui-router resolve : Unknown provider

In Angular 1.5, how to bind an attribute component as boolean?

Purpose of $element and $ attrs in component controllers with angularJS components 1.5

angularjs 1.5 component dependency injection