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Angular 1.5 component dependency injection

I've been trying to use the new Angular 1.5 component syntax in a project, but I can't figure out how to inject a dependency into the component definition.

Here's my attempt at refactoring an existing directive to a component:

    .component('row', {
      bindings: {
        details: '@',
        zip: '@'
      controller: 'RowController',
      templateUrl: basePath + 'modules/row.html' // basePath needs to be injected

For various reasons, we inject the constant basePath into all of our directives as part of the templateUrl.

How do I do this on a component, since the component definition is not a function?

like image 794
epb Avatar asked May 14 '16 18:05


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1 Answers

You can use a function for templateUrl to construct URL. However, unlike the one for directives, component templateUrl function is injectable (ref docs), which means that you can inject constant (or any other injectable service) into it. Exactly what you need:

.component('row', {
  bindings: {
    details: '@',
    zip: '@'
  controller: 'RowController',
  templateUrl: function(basePath, $rootScope) { // $rootScope is an example here
    return basePath + 'modules/row.html'

Minification-safe array notation is also supported:

templateUrl: ['basePath', '$rootScope', function(basePath, $rootScope) {
  return basePath + 'modules/row.html'

Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/jAIqkzZGnaEVPaUjyBrJ?p=preview

like image 189
dfsq Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10
