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New posts in angular8

How to fix ng build <lib> error when renaming public_api.ts to public-api.ts in angular8 upgrade

NgSwitch - behaves unexpected , `No provider for NgSwitch` - exception getting

Angular (8) application build once (with production config) and deploy to multiple environments

Angular ng build with minimum number of files ? (supporting only Chrome is also fine)

Dropdown Bootstrap 4 doesn't work in production of angular's application

Trigger animation after page load in angular 8, ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError

Angular 8 with Storybook 6

Angular Material does not seem to work in StackBlitz

Check API response data with interface in Typescript Angular

How to override CSS styles of component in Angular?

angular angular7 angular8

I integrate an adminLTE template in Angular 8. the first time when I launch the server the program works correctly after it gives this error

angular8 adminlte

After upgrading to Angular 9, compile time has increased drastically

angular angular8

How to resolve an 'Invalid format version detected - Expected:[ 1 ] Found: [ 3 ]' error when creating a component in Angular 8?

List equivalent in TypeScript

angular typescript angular8

Upgrade angular 7 to 8, ERROR: this.typeChecker.getTypeArguments is not a function on Build Library

Facing issue 'A MatDatepicker can only be associated with a single input.' Angular 8 Material

How to include assets like icons in an Angular8 library?

angular assets angular8