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Angular Passing string to component -- with or without binding?

angular angular2-template

How to use angular2-data-table

Multiple <tr> in an Angular row template

angular angular2-template

Dynamic component loading from external content

How can I bind to property in projected content in angular2?

Angular2 Use sort pipe only when certain value or boolean is true

Angular 2 - ngFor - local variable "first" does not work

angular angular2-template

Override routerLink on Button Click

Angular 2: Expression containing markup

Angular 2 : Access play and pause of html5 video tag inside component

Angular 2 model function interpolation - self.context.$implicit.X is not a function

Is there a syntax for conditional template interpolation? [duplicate]

angular angular2-template

Angular2: rendering / reloading a component's template

Angular 2: How to Find Children Element in @ViewChild by CSS Selector?

angular angular2-template

How can I integrate Google Maps APIs inside an Angular 2 component

Angular2 version RC.6 "directives" inside @Component Error

Angular2, TypeScript, How to read/bind attribute value to component class (undefined in ngOnInit) [duplicate]

Changing router-outlet with *ngIf in app.component.html in angular2

how to use parent module component in child module component in angular2

How to trigger a change event manually - angular2