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I have a custom dropdown component in each header cell of ngx-datatable

Condition in *ngFor

angular angular2-template

Angular 2 extend a style from styles.scss

Angular2 - Delete Row Or Column Where the delete button was clicked

Angular 2 external style doesn't get inlined to header

angular2 ngfor only if index is less than certain number

How can I pass an html string to my child component?

angular angular2-template

@Input in Angular 4

In a template, how do I bind to a deeply nested property of an object delivered by an observable?

Angular 2 RC6 - "sidebar" is not a known element

angular angular2-template

angular rc1: EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Cannot find default outlet

create a global function that could be used in angular 4 template

Angular 2: Inserting capture element dynamically when creating components (dynamically)

JsPlumb with Angular2

Angular2: how to add/change css style in svg?