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@Input in Angular 4

I am new to Angular 4.As per my understanding, @Input is used to pass values to a component. But when I use it as mentioned below it doesn't work.

    <h1 [user] = "currentuser"></h1>

    user : string;
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Ramya Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 21:12


2 Answers

It means you can pass the string input into your my-file component itself not any HTML element (i.e. h1 in your case) within the component itself.

i.e. in the parent component you can call something like:

<my-file [user]="currentuser"></my-file>

Then this value of user will be available to be used within your my-file child component.

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Plog Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 22:12


In Component TS file you need to define <my-file-comp [user]="currentUser"></my-file-comp>

    public @Input() currentuser: string

  selector : 'my-file-comp',
  template: `Test Value : {{user}}`
class MyFileComp{
   public @Input() user: string


    selector: 'testcmp',
    template : `<my-file-comp [user]="currentUser"></my-file-comp>`,

class TestComp{
    currentUser: string = "I Am user"; // Need to pass variable from here to my file component inside it's template
    ngOnInit() {
        console.log('This if the value for user-id: ' + this.test);
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Rohan Fating Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 23:12

Rohan Fating