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New posts in angular2-router

Using regex for path value of routes in angular2

Use routerlink or href based on condition

How to handle multiple queryParams in Angular2

No compatible version found: @angular/router@^2.0.0-rc.4 error while installing angular2 RC4 router

Disable application loading/routing in Angular2

Angular 2 rc3 router-deprecated package issue

angular npm angular2-router

Cannot match any routes with child routes and new angular 2 RC1 router

Parallel (Asynchronous Non Blocking) Routing In Angular 2/4

Angular: resolve all route segments configuration by URL

How can I specify query parameters by routerLink directive

Angular2 Router: Error: Cannot find primary outlet to load 'InboxComponent'

In Angular, how I navigate directly to a path inside a lazy loaded module?

Angular2 Router: Cannot find primary outlet to load 'HomeComponent'

Angular2 router, get route data from url, to display breadcrumbs

Angular: append query parameters to URL

Get current route without parameters

How do I navigate to a sibling route?

What is the difference between ActivatedRoute and ActivatedRouteSnapshot in Angular4