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ui-codemirror placed within custom directives fails without an error

Is it possible mask input using a different placeholder?

AngularJS with Angular-ui-router and jQuery-File-Upload

multiple months display for angular bootstrap datepicker

Angularjs - Angular UI $modal and $modalInstance within one controller

angularjs angular-ui

How to make Dropdown button that changes its title have different links?

Shim from grunt-contrib-requirejs not wrapping library

AngularJs ui-router. Protractor test failing

AngularUI with Typeahead and Tooltip in ngTable with Custom header length undefined at scope.isOpen

ng-bind-html - with angular-sanitize - throws error in console

Angularjs ui-utils ui-scroll how to use

angular ui mask not working with angular-ui datepicker

how do I get the calendar object with AngularJS ui-calendar using the "controller as" syntax?

UI Bootstrap with Flot causing misaligned ticks

ui-select multiselect is very slow in displaying the choices

Modal Window Issue (Unknown Provider: ModalInstanceProvider)

Angular UI Bootstrap Dialog Width

Angular UI Bootstrap Modal - how to prevent user interaction

Clear input text field in Angular / AngularUI with ESC key

angularjs input angular-ui

"ui-sref" does not refresh the "ui-view"(its controller does not rerun) when a link is clicked twice